
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

A couple things

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Everyone uses it. Unless you printed this out, you're using it right now. Most people above the age 9* have it. It is taking over the world, not in a crazy war on earth terminator way. A way in which it being what you need for every thing. The children now could be the last generation to use paper books.

Some kids under *6 years old have some form of device. Ok, this is boring. To cut to the chase Technology is taking over life as we know it. I am not getting in a car that drives itself. Ever seen Terminator? I know technology can be the shirt I'm wearing, because
  1. the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
    "advances in computer technology"
    • machinery and equipment developed from the application of scientific knowledge.
    • the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences.

Thank you google!  In my opinion kids should not have a device until 5th grade, unless it's a reading only device. That's what I had and I bought it myself. Get of your phone, computer, device, Or printed piece of paper and go outside, read a book, or something like that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Famtomatique Pets- from france

Fatomatique Pets

Are you lonely? Do you want a pet but don’t have the space, time or money? All the way from France, it requires no food, space and barely any attention. Best of all it’s affordable! What are you waiting for? For now our collection only includes Espirit Frappeurs, but soon we will have more.

Espirit Frappeurs

These pets are very attentive and will notice lots of things. Through multiple ways they communicate with you.

Order One Today!


Journaling, Blogging, and Scrapbooking

This is what Scrapbooking looks like. Scrapbooking is where you take pictures out of the box, glue them into a book, fill in extra space with decor, and caption them. I only had about 5 pictures. A majority of mine is not pictures and you can do that.

Journaling is where you write your thoughts down. You should get a small journal so you can put a couple sentances down and fill one page.

Blogging looks like this. Its like journaling, but online.