
Monday, December 23, 2013

6th day of Christmas

I'm going to skip the ad and the carol today and just do the post. First of all I'd like to say some good  rules of Christmas. (following is optional but I suggest you follow rule 2 or you'll get coal)

1. Don't get too caught up in getting and buying.(4th day)
2. Don't be a jerk
3. Get presents for some people
4. Don't make fun of what people believe in
Add rules in the comments if you want!

 When I did this post it was the day before Christmas so HORRAY! That morning I went on Google's Santa Tracker. Even if when Santa's still up north and the trackers not up it is really fun. TRY IT! If it's Christmas Eve tracking santa is really fun and EDUCATIONAL!

  We'd like to interrupt this program for the following message: Kids, before you stop beleaving in santa think about it. Would your parents wake up in the middle of the night, put presents under the tree and call themselves Santa? Where would they hide the presents?


Sunday, December 22, 2013

5th day of Christmas

Did a elf with a bitrees logo go in your house and take your Christmas tree?
Then go to Bitrees today to get a copy of your Christmas tree!
for only 100 payments of 5$ 
+ $9,999.99 s&h


Melty the Snowman
that's all i have to say


Christmas is coming! Think your own thoughts!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

4th day of christmas

BUT ONLY AT The Horibal mall

On the first day of Christmas
my enemy sent to me:
A badger in a bare Tree

On the second day of Christmas
enemy sent to me:
2 snapping turtles
A badger in a bare Tree

On the third day of Christmas
enemy sent to me:
3 mad Hens
2 snapping turtles
and A badger in a bare Tree

On the fourth day of Christmas
enemy sent to me:
4 Screaming Birds
mad Hens2 snapping turtles
A badger in a bare Tree

On the fifth day of Christmas
enemy sent to me:
5 broken Rings
4 Screaming Birds
mad Hens2 snapping turtles
A badger in a bare Tree

On the sixth day of Christmas
enemy sent to me:
6 Geese attacking
broken Rings
4 Screaming Birds
mad Hens2 snapping turtles
A badger in a bare Tree

On the seventh day of Christmas
enemy sent to me:
7 dead swans floating
6 Geese attacking
broken Rings
4 Screaming Birds
mad Hens2 snapping turtles
A badger in a bare Tree


The holidays are not about getting, Santa or gifts. The holidays isn't about fretting and rush. The holidays are a time for family and love, sometimes it means giving to show the love. If your family is
believes in Jesus then Christmas is about his birthday and gods's greatest gift to the world. Don't get caught in the holiday rush, give some love.

Friday, December 20, 2013

3rd day of christmas

Do you want to make your holidays happier?
or your Christmases Merrier?
Go to the Word Market today at Dictionoplis!

Caroling Time!
Broken Bells
Broken Bell
Broken all the way
What horror in this ride
in a no-horse doomed sleigh HELP!


He's a wonderful people. He's Kris Kringle ,St.nick ,Father Christmas,
and a million clauses. From ruldolph he's not the nicest and from
A Year without Santa Claus he's loved and he loves. He's
magical and caring, jolly and mysterious. I guess you could
call him …Amazing

Thursday, December 19, 2013

2nd day of christmas (with trivia)

In the store on the week of Christmas
LONG Lines 
Broken things

Escape Holiday hurry go to Despret store today!


I'm dreaming of a Green Christmas
Just like the ones I only know
Where the trees have leaves
kids wear no sleaves
To hear bikes ride through the grass.

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be the best you've seen
And none of your Christmases be green.

I'm dreaming of a green Christmas
With every Christmas card I write
May your days be the best you've seen
And none of your Christmases be green.


1. In How the Grinch Stole Christmas what makes the grinch nice?
2. Why is Hanukkah celebrated?
3.Who invented kwanzaa?
4.Where is the celebration of lights celebrated?
5. Why is the New Year IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WINTER?!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

1 day of Christmas

I am a person, your most likely a person so you understand that your alive or not. And I'M NOT. Seriously, I'm not kidding. I've  been bitten by zombies and after you get bitten your exactly the same. No wanting brains, turning green, or dieing. The only diffrence is no pain EVER. So yay. I hope you get attacked for zombies for the holidays. No pain and Eternal life.

Just another review from one of our valued custumers. Zombie bites, only from Wertricnu

Saftey Precaution


CAROLING TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wallis, the white-nosed santa
had a big blizzard nose
and if you ever saw it
you would even say it snows.(like a snowstorm)

All of the other santas
used to laugh and call him names (like Frosty)
They never let poor Wallis
play in any santa games. (like risk)

Then one boring Christmas eve
Reindeer came to say: (neigh neigh neigh)
"Wallis with your nose so fun,
won't you ride the sleigh after sun?"

Then all the santas loved him
as they shouted out with glee,(yipee)
Wallis the white-nosed santa,
you'll go down in history! (like Rudolph)

To begin my first day of Chrismas I would like to ask you a few questions about Rudolph. If you you don't know him is he really famous? Maybe not?(I know you know him but listen.) Look at the beginning of the song:
You know Dasher, and Dancer, and
Prancer, and Vixen,
Comet, and Cupid, and
Donner and Blitzen
But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all

What reindeer do you know the most?

A. Dasher
B. Dancer
C. Prancer
D. Vixen (by the way that's deer meat)
E. Comet
F. Cupid
G. Donner
H. Blitzen
I. Rudolph

I bet you chose Rudolph. I mean really you know his backstory, what he looks like and if you've seen the movie you know a lot more. The other reindeer should get more credit, they do plenty. Remember the message is bold.

I'm doing a week of Christmas. This means I'll be posting things about Christmas until Christmas.

 (remember to check poemtime)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Because I do so many Poems I'm going to make a site called PoemTime
So if you need a rhyme
not a dime
or a lime
Go to PoemTime

There will be a poem posted everyday
not just every may
for posting often this site will get an A
if I get a say
So dont stay
waiting Go to PoemTime

This is the link
But you have got to think
Go to PoemTime

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Boringness poem

A wall a blank sheet 
a sleepless night a single beet
a three page book or a hard wooden seat
All of these things are not cool or neat
These things are very boring to meet

A soundless song, dry poaring
These things are both just well nothing
Laughing playing games soaring
climbing minecraft singing
These are fun not boring 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Waiting poem

Waiting waiting
It takes so long its agravating
It could take an hour or even a day
But just a minute no way!

Waiting waiting
There is no debating
on whether waitings boring
Its so boring everyones snoring

Waiting waiting For the birds to be mating For people to see this blog or To eat food galore

Thursday, August 15, 2013


All true fans of ______Oops almost gave away an answer,        C                    h                   e                     l                     l

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

rAndOm stuff


I am going to change the blog url to abunchofstuffthatisrandom.blogspot.com instead of erinisepic.blogspot.com

if the survey is not working on Just Do It :) Do this survey
Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool. please if it does not work say in comments I NEEED TO KNOW!!!

This blog is getting really popular soooooo thank you to everyone in

United States






United Kingdom

Sri Lanka



That is all until tomorrow or when I think of something. I am also deleting the just do it post by the way.

Monday, August 12, 2013


I am writing a book. I am not an author. I don't even have a job. I am going to call the book TITLES TELL TO MUCH. This is what the book is about.

Robots have taken over the the world because of one guy. He didn't mean to, he only invented three. But they multiplied and destroyed the human race except for three scientists. These people are Professor Jessie Lirg, Kyle and the guy who invented robots, Doctor Roofus F. Loat. It is up to them to use the tele-porter Roofus made to save the human race.

I'm going to make a series for it. They have to find out the chain of events, check the chain and then save the world, might me more then ten pages I guess. 

Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Internet

The Internet is full of many things. There's blogs games books news and much much much much much much much much much much more! You are on the internet unless you printed it out and framed this blog because its so wonderful. The inernet tells about other dimentions badspelling how to stuff and a lot more! It tells lies it tells truth it tells how I dont feel like adding commas! You can go to shcool on the inernet you can talk to trillions of people on the Internet. The internet can make you feel happy stupid angry sad mad strange and really confused. It can tell you I have to go!

Saturday, August 10, 2013



1.What side goes first in chess?
2. What ghost anoys Filch in Harry Potter?
3.Who founded Girl Scouts?
4.Did Guina pigs come from Guina?
5.What was Dr. Seuss's real name?
6.Who first came to America?

Bonis Question
Do I have a dog?

Andswer in comments if you can.

Friday, August 9, 2013


This is a survey please do it PLEASE i need results to make this blog better! do now button

click this please
MY video FINALLY..... Baby Robins

A poem

This summer has not been roasting
It has been WET WET WET
Rain Rain Rain is what I've met
But now I'm busy as a bee
Now summers over to me 
I'll try to post more often
When the busyness starts to soften
Thats what I'll try 
See you next time But for now... Good-Bye

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

100 viewers!

It's actually 104 but anyway 100 viewers! I was looking at my blog yesterday and it said 100 viewers. I've only been doing this for 11 days so I'm super happy. Imagine what a month will bring! Thank you everyone!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


After looking at my blog you might want to know a little bit about me.

I am alive.  I breath. I eat. I drink. I sleep. I live in a house. I  a in the universe. I am a human being. I have a blog called rAndom


This is a trivia of old shows. There is no scores and no cheating.

1.what were the Muppets first called?

2. What did Mickey Mouse start out as?

3.Who made Smurfette?

4.What does Bugs Bunny often say?

5. What's Fred Flinstone's neighbors name?

6. What school does The Jetson's son go to?

7. What kind of hat does Yogi Bear wear?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Daily Post & Baby robins!!!!!

Because I haven't been posting lately.......From now on I'll be doing a daily Post! Every day I will post! Here is baby robins and the a nest there in.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

My blog

 My blog is 3gru6ib  f.kdgzsie.vnbnvbbhfhgHGVB .njfg.f/ random. Those were not bad words they were random stuff. It's not like I'm going to be doing that all the time I just don"t  really know what I'm going to do in my blog. I'm gonna put some stuff about my life and all that stuff I do but I don't Know what.